What a terrible June we all had the weather was rubbish. The sad thing is I can not say the start of July was any better. August arrived and at last it's nice and sunny, with an odd wet day.
Saturday 7th of July was the worst day - my area I live in got flooded, also the outer area's of the town got flooded too. If you wanted to leave the town you couldn't!
I thought while I have a day off work I'll give you a update on the flowers in the garden.
I am also working on the Veggie plot post too!
Rosa - Patricia
The rose I bought my mum for Mothers day's have grown really well, which you can see below. Either thou I have left the it in the same pot it came in, we had six buds on the rose and all of them came out.
I did have a little trouble with aphids (greenfly) but I took myself out side with a tissue and removed them by my fingers. The picture's above are of two of the flowers. I had to cut the last flower off on the 3rd July. By the end of the July the rose started to re-flower again!
The wall box's & green tub
Pictures below!
Since then the green tub as perked up. Some of the Lavateria and Cosmos that my uncle grew got ate by you guessed it a snail/slug. But the one I have saved have done okay, not as tall as they should be. I have also sowed some wildflower mix, in between the gap's in the green box.
I'll get a picture of the green tub tomorrow!
O' Christmas Tree
The Abies Nordmanniana have grown since the last time I wrote about him. I have also kept him in the pot I bought him in too! Even thou it as been hammering it down with rain here. I have been going out and watering him - as I know his branch's save's the water getting down to the roots. Plus I do not want him to dry out either!
My rhododendron that flowered on the 18th of December (2011). Finished flowering again the second week in July. By the end of July there was buds on it again.
On the 20th of this month the rhododendron is re-flowering again!
While the other one I have that is at the top end of the garden, finished flowering at the end of last month.
Please find picture below!
On the plus side of all this rain we have had, my hydrangea as been loving it.