Thursday, 28 April 2011

Tom's and Straw & Co...

On the 9th April, I spent the day outside. Emptying pots and sowing seeds. I bought a day before.

List below.
Lettuce - May Queen
Lettuce - Lollo Rollo

By the 20th, little seedlings had appeared.
So far only the May Queen Lettuce and Rocket as come up.
Still waiting for the Lollo Rollo to appear.

Picture's below...

The black pot is the Lettuce and the red pot is the rocket. 

I also got seed discs to try. From Morrisons and again I werent to sure they would grow.

picture below

 I cut them into slices of pie and put them into
two of the pot on the wall.
Three days ago the Tomato's Tiny Tim appeared.

Picture below...

But I am still waiting for the strawberry to apear.
I will let you all know as soon as they apear.


surviving the winter

I was given a load of winter pansies from where I use
to work. Because they ran out of space and
they knew I am a plant / garden geek.

When we had the snow in December I worried about them.
Would they survive the winter. After all they
are Winter Pansies.

Picture below

Out of all the box's I have on the wall's.
Only four of them survived the winter.

Some picture's below

I cant believe they are still going!
Well just about, as long as I dead head them when needed.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

My Adventure With The Goji Berry / Wolfberry

I first heard of goji berries on ethnobotanist James Wong program Grow Your Own drugs or Backyard Medicine
(as it is known overseas)

I searched high and low to find them. It was only when I went shopping in Tesco (Please note Tesco don't sell them anymore) I came across them. Yep I got hooked!!!

I even looked at garden centers and nurseries, to have a plant in the garden. But I weren't happy about the price, anythink from £6.95 to £9.99

So last year I set myself a challenge.
To grow one from seed.

I was told goji are hard to grow. But I know for a
fact: Goji berries grow in the South Of England.

On the 4th of March, I sowed some seeds I had gather. Within a week germination happen. 

Picture of one of the pot's

It weren't long til I had to pick out the best. I moved only three to my little propagator.

Two of them shot up really well.

On the 12th April I enjoyed potting them up.

This is how there looked on the 19th April.

I took this picture today.. Look how well my little goji's are doing!!

Monday, 25 April 2011

Must beat last years!!

Today I came across some photo's of last year display..
Thinking how I can do better this year!!

I know you cant see it in the picture. But to the left
(near to that white wicker chair that is no longer there) 
is one of my water features just behind the flowers.

The New Zealand Flax isn't as little as it looks in the pic on the right, you should see him now.
(I'll post pictures soon)

Monday, 18 April 2011

Chelsea Flower Show 2010

I thought as Chelsea Flower Show is due.
I would share my fave one's from last year.

The Global Stone Bee Friendly Garden
I love the strong statement that is on the back wall. "If the Bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only four years of life left." The hard truth of what could happen if we don't act now!

The Victorian Aviary Garden

There's something about this garden. Maybe it's the Victorian Aviary or is it the Peacock Mosaic.
For me its all of the garden!!

The HESCO Garden

I loved the lock gates and how the designers showed we need a better
understanding of the value of natural and green space. Also to encouraging local wildlife and conservation.

The Tourism Malaysia Garden - by James Wong & David Cubero - Amphibian Design.

I've ketped the best til lasted! I fell in love with the Tourism Malaysia Garden as soon as the plan's were posted on I have to say it, I knew as soon as I saw the plan's. David & James had a winning garden. Not long afterwards I started to follow the update's that James was posting on the Mygarden - RHS site. I couldn't wait to see the garden finished. The worst bit for me was I couldn't get the time off work to go. :( Thank god for BBC At Chelsea and Sky+ for when I was at work. My mum even phoned me at work to tell me. The Tourism Malaysia Garden had won Gold. I was completely over the moon for James & David. The girls at work wanted to know what was going on.

Sunday, 17 April 2011


Back in August, I bought some daffodil's - Pink Blend and Star Quartet Blend. Picture of packet below.....

I planted them in two pots, not long after I bought them.
I have to confess I was unsure that they would grow. After all I did buy them from a supermarket. 

About three weeks ago, maybe a bit longer they popped up. :-)
Picture's below....

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Cruel to be kind

A few days ago, I spent the whole day in my garden. Cutting back my New Zealand Flax; Tidying up one of my Rhododendrons. Because the other one is in flower. Picture below..

and sorting out my rose's. I'm now wondering about my peacock wicker chair. Been in the garden over ten years and it's started to full to bit's :( I think it might be time for the chair to go.