Saturday, 31 December 2011

Just a small post to wish
everyone a
Happy New Year! 

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Winding Down!

Sometimes I find this time of year a bit sad, :(  with ever think dying back and that.
But I also fine this time of year exciting too. 

Time to tidy up, cut back the Rhododendrons, St John's Wort.  Putting a new cover on my little green house and putting warmth around my plants in there too.
Plus time to plan for the next year, with planting bulbs and sorting out what new things to bring in!

And What a year I have had!

Bye bye Tiny Tim

24th Sept 2011

I had to say goodbye to the tiny Tim tomatos

They went weird disease and I had Flowers. But nothink happen,
 a part from introducing white, green fly to the garden. :(
So I thought it was best that tiny Tim went!

Hello new meadows!! 

(I'll post pictures soon - as soon as I can get them off my phone!)

Saturday, 24 September 2011

The Last Harvest

Today 24th Sept was the last harvest of tomato's.

After picking them it was time to say goodbye!


Last week I collected some of the seeds from one of the
Chocolate tomato's.  I made my only seed disc's using cotton pads
(make-up remove pads)

Tiny Meadows

Ever since I saw the report on wildflower meadows by James Wong on Countryfile in August 2010.  I have been wanting to create my own.

But I was not sure, how I was going to achieved this.
Because like most of us, I do not own bits of the beautiful countryside.  I know this sounds really bad, But this is how
I felt back in September 2010..

Since then I have worked out. That I can have them, but much smaller.  Silly really how I thought I could not have them.

So when I went shopping I bought a box of wildflower seed.

It was not til March when I needed to move my buddleia from the pot on the wall, that it appeared from.  Too a pot by my rhododendron......

If I remember right the little Blue flower is called Borage.
 Sorry the light weren't so good

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

The strip!!

Just over a week ago, I decide to strip the leaves off my tomato's.  Because the sun was not getting to the fruit. 
Plus the leaves were not looking so good, curling up to heaven.

This is how they look now!!

Since then I have been busy harvesting the fruit...

Monday, 29 August 2011


To all who reads this. I just want to say Sorry!!
That I have not been updating.
As much as I would like to do............

Monday, 1 August 2011

Before the storm!

This is how my flower display look before Saint Swithin's Day.
After that (If I remember right) we had 6 days of rain none stop!
This is Yellow Cape Fuchsia or common name is Moonraker.
This is one of the plant's my mum bought.

The cat on the wall is one of mine!

This from my back door!

I want to change this part of the garden. But not sure what to do. I have noticed how much wildlife is coming into the garden,
Hoverfly's, Ladybird's Housesparrow's, Blackbird's and Bee's.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Lurpak Grow your own

I've been gathering the Lurpak Grow your own from Jekka Herb Farm
But I have only been able to get the Basil and Dill ones.
So two weeks ago I decided to have ago at grow them.

I have tryed peat pellets before and not had a greatest of luck.
So this was going to interesting.

I pick the dill ones...  On the back of the cardboard, is telling you what to do..  First soak the pellets for two hours,  I ended up leaving it a while longer.

Then find a pot to put it into.. 
I saved my Lurpak tub and put holes in it..
Once the soil was ready I poped it into the tub and put it in the greenhouse.

This is how it looked today!!

New Vistors

The last few weeks, I have had a new lot of visitors to the garden.

It started with House Sparrow's, some of the youngster
were coming in and getting the bugs and spiders.


Then I started putting wild bird food out for them.
The word must of got back to their parents. Because not long after
Mummy and Daddy sparrow started coming in to get some.


Sorry He wont stay put when I try to get picture of
him outside!!

For some reason I've been getting a Magpie coming and sitting on the bathroom roof.
"We all know the saying about them"
The Magpie as been picking on one of my cats (picture above of the cat in question)
Yep I've got cat's!!


Then I had a new cat visited. (picture above) Don't worrie
NO birds were in the garden at the time!!

Growing My Own Fruit And Salad

At the start of May my strawberry started to appear. 
The down side is I have only got 
about five plants, I suppose it's better than having none.

Picture below

 Been wondering is there a dandelion 
in with them?
Let me know what you think? :-)


I'm not sure if Morrisons
know what tumbling (tiny tim) tomato's are!!!

I know they don't look very health.


I'm sad to sad I never got my Lollo Rollo. But I did get
enough lettuce and rocket to share with the family.

I have to confess I've been keeping some think from you all.
I've been growing other tomato's and Chilli's and peppers

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Putting them to bed!!

About a month ago the flower's died back on my Daffodil's and 
I decide to get them ready for bed.  
Just like the way I've been told my grand-dad use too do.

Just been put to bed

The picture above I took today..  June 2011

Saturday, 14 May 2011

The work out!!!!!

The past few days I've been busy planting up the flowers
I've grown from seed.
Sorting out the water feature and
making up my mind about the peacock wicker chair.

List Of Plants I've grown
French Marigold
Impatiens - Mixed and Wedgewood Mixed
Lobelia - Trailing
 Petunia - Mixed and
Frenzy Mixed

I planted up the pot's on the wall and had some left.
So I potted the rest up in six pot's. I weren't to sure where 
to put them. So I put them on the floor.

Tall sliver plant is curry.

In this pot I put a curry plant in as well......
Please note: you CAN NOT Eat this plant..
Like we are made to believe from
garden centre's and nurseries...

While still working out what to do with my wicker chair.
I moved onto the water feature. I removed all the stone's
and popped them into a bucket of beach water to remove the slim.
I had a little bit of help from my brother. To lift the glass top out. He also helped with getting the pump working and putting the glass top back. Bless him!!

Once I got the water feature working I decide to the
pots on there from early on and then put the stone's back. Once I washed them off.

My Rhododendron that is the picture is planted in a toliet.
Both of my Rhododendrons are, just waiting for the other one
to flower now. It normally flowers later on in the year.

I have sad news I got rid of my Peacock wicker chair.

The garden visit!!

Sorry I know it not a good picture :(
Last year for the first time, I started getting
a mummy Blackbird visiting the garden.
She also raise her young near to the house.

Which I was a little worried about
her and her offspring.
As there is a lot of cats that live around here.

I wondered if she would come back this year.
Because I knew she had lost some of her babies.
But like what my Brother would say "its the circle of life"

Sorry I know not very good picture again!

I was so happy when about two months ago she came back.
To raise another lot of babies.

This year mummy and daddy blackbird as been bring their babies
into my garden.. Those little one's have been flying
into the pots on the wall, and sitting in between
the Tomato plants.